About Us

Speedy Credit Repair is a family-operated credit repair company located in Southern California.

Born out of a need for credit repair when buying his first home, Christopher Lahage, the credit repair company’s founder and CEO decided to take on the task of repairing his credit tarnished from youthful ignorance. Chris was not versed in this subject but rather pioneered his way through it by making phone calls, writing letters, and even visiting the local offices of the credit reporting agencies and his creditors who he ultimately convinced to retract the negative items from his reports.

Chris was working for Toyota at that time as an entry-level salesperson. It wasn’t long before Chris found ways to use this new “secret talent” to help those persons turned away for auto purchases, for credit issues similar to those he had also faced. It wasn’t long at all before Chris would become the “Go-To” guy who could help pretty much anyone obtain a car loan once he spent a bit of time on their file.

After less than 5 years of enjoying a top sales position for countless months and learning the finance end of the business while doing so, Chris ultimately became the Finance Director of Toyota’s #3 most successful Toyota Franchise in the nation.

Chris was able to maintain his function as a very successful Finance Director for over 30 years while continuing to hone his skills servicing his private clientele within his personally held company Speedy Credit Repair Inc.

Chris believes in giving a level of personal service to each client that the big credit repair companies can’t compete with.

When demand for his services grew, Chris expanded the capabilities of Speedy Credit Repair while maintaining his strong ties with Toyota and the automotive industry.

When Chris is not working you can probably find him spending time with his wife and 3 boys by the pool, or practicing his culinary skills with friends and family.

Our Mission

At Speedy Credit Repair Inc. in Huntington Beach, California, our mission is to empower individuals on their path to financial well-being.

With enduring commitment, we use our many years of experience to provide innovative and ethical credit solutions, ensuring our clients achieve lasting credit health and the opportunities they deserve.

Our dedicated team works diligently to deliver personalized services, fostering trust and building a foundation for a brighter financial future.

Speedy Credit Repair Inc. Services All 50 States And All US Military Installations Personnel.

Our Mission

Credit Repair Blog

  • Blog Post #1
    How Many Different Credit Scores Are There?

    There are currently 28 versions of the FICO score. There are 10 for Experian, and 9 each for Equifax and Transunion.

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  • Blog Post #1
    What Will My Credit Score Be After You Fix My Credit?

    Many will ask me to forecast or predict the outcome of their service, or the credit score they might expect. I never make predictions as to outcomes or scores because that would infer that I know the proprietary algorithm of “FICO”.

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  • Blog Post #1
    How Long Does Credit Repair Take?

    Credit repair results are not the same for all persons. There is not a way to set a standard time or result outcome for any clients’ service outcome.

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