Sadly, paying off collections or charged off items may actually harm your credit scores. I suggest speaking for free with one of our credit repair specialists who can explain some options, and when/if it is a good idea to pay one or more of these items. Ultimately, negative items do not fall off because you paid them.
There are currently 28 versions of the FICO score. There are 10 for Experian, and 9 each for Equifax and Transunion.
Read Full ArticleMany will ask me to forecast or predict the outcome of their service, or the credit score they might expect. I never make predictions as to outcomes or scores because that would infer that I know the proprietary algorithm of “FICO”.
Read Full ArticleCredit repair results are not the same for all persons. There is not a way to set a standard time or result outcome for any clients’ service outcome.
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