How It Works


Steps Away From Credit SuccessOur proven Credit Repair Services identify Credit Report Errors to help correct your credit and Increase Your Credit Score for a better future.

Get Your Free Credit Report, 3 Scores & Expert Review

  • No Credit Card Needed For Your Free Credit Report: This 100% FREE 3 Credit Bureau & 3 Credit Score Credit Report is presented courtesy of Speedy Credit Repair.
    Bureaus(Experian, TransUnion, Equifax)
    Scores(Vantage3 Model)
  • Takes About 90 Seconds To Get: Complete our secure and encrypted form for a quick view of your credit health. Most people claim to have a copy of their free credit report in less than 2 minutes, and payment is not required.

Improve your credit score and unlock better financial opportunities!

Get Your Free Credit Report And Scores Today!

Free Consultation & Dispute Strategy

  • Schedule a Free Consultation with a Credit Repair Expert: Soon after our credit repair expert completes your free credit repair review using your complete 3-bureau credit report, you will receive an email copy of their detailed findings in your report. The credit review which is both narrative and visually descriptive will arrive via email within 72 hours (often the same day).
  • Discuss Your Credit Goals & Eligibility: Our credit repair expert will analyze your credit reports and determine if credit repair services may benefit you. Speedy Credit Repair will not sign you up for their services just because you reached out. There are options such as Self-Help, or using a local non-profit credit counseling is available too.
    Congratulations Are In Order: If our credit repair expert determines you’d likely benefit from our services, they will send you an E-contract for services which you can digitally sign from the comfort of your couch! Once we receive and countersign the agreement, your team will start preparing custom challenges and updates to your portal.

    Let’s Get That Free Credit Report Now!

Track Your Credit Repair Progress Updates Live

  • Your Personalized Credit Portal: Access your secure 24/7 online portal to stay informed and engaged throughout the process. You’ll never need to wonder if we’re actively working on your account.
  • Real-Time Updates: Receive regular updates on your credit score changes, disputed item progress (added, deleted, updated), and any new information or documents added to your file.
  • Direct Communication with Your Expert: Get personalized messages from the dedicated credit repair expert assigned to your case. They’ll answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide guidance.
  • Proactive Credit Building Strategies: We’ll analyze your credit report regularly and suggest adding positive credit items (if applicable) to accelerate your credit score growth and achieve your financial goals faster.

Move Forward Now?

Building Good Credit Scores For Over 30 Years!

Speedy Credit Repair works on the “Pay as We Perform” platform. This means no upfront costs, and you pay as we perform.

  • 6 month commitment
  • $189/mo due at the end of each service month
  • $25 for each deleted Credit item per bureau
  • 6 months of Credit Monitoring with IdentityIQ – Free for 7 Day Trial, then $19.99 Month

We do not charge for reviews or consultations, and there is NEVER a setup fee.

Our Credit Restoration Program requires a six-month term and costs $189/mo due at the end of each month of service. In addition, we charge $25 for each deleted item per bureau only after it has been deleted. A maximum number of items charged in a given month’s budget can be set up before your service to accommodate your individual needs if requested. You will be required to have and keep current, an IdentityIQ credit monitoring account. Speedy Credit Repair Sponsors a Free 7-day trial which optionally becomes $19.99 monthly.

We only want clients committed to improving their credit, so we require that you commit to the entire 6-month program. We don’t limit the number of items we will challenge in a given month to drag things out.

Our efforts may take some time to show. We want clients willing to be patient and go down this path with us. If, however, you are not realizing results by the third month’s end, we have included a contingency plan for that too!

We DO NOT automatically renew after the Credit Repair Program unless it is likely to benefit you, and you ask us to.

Because we believe in results and want to provide exemplary service for all of our clients, we do not accept everyone into our Credit Repair Program.

To see if you are likely to benefit from this type of service, we recommend you schedule a free Credit Evaluation now.

Fix Your Credit Today! Sign up here or call us at 888-724-7344 to get your free credit review.

No commitment is required.

No inquiry will occur.

Do you have more questions before beginning? Let’s get started and fix your credit issues.

IdentityIQ Instructions

IdentityIQ is a credit monitoring service offering Vantage credit scores for all three credit bureaus, $25,000 Identity Theft Insurance, and Daily credit monitoring and alerts about your credit report.

IdentityIQ has a Free 7-day trial to get your scores and reports from Experian, Transunion, and Equifax. After the 7th day, the trial optionally becomes a membership at $19.99 monthly.

Get your free reports and score sponsored by: Speedy Credit Repair.

Our Portal To Credit Recovery

All clients have “Live” 24/7 access to a progress portal that is provided through a personal and private link. This will keep you informed of your beginning score, your current score, a detail of the items we are working on, and the current status of those items. It also provides you with the security of knowing that someone is actively servicing your account without the need to call and ask.

There Are No Guarantees

I appreciate the opportunity to tell you about our credit repairing services. The very first thing I tell any prospective client is that there are absolutely no guarantees!

I expect I will lose a large percentage of my clients by telling them this; however, this business demands that I don’t tell you what you want to hear simply because it sounds better. Rather, I’d prefer that you do not have any unrealistic expectations of the results you may expect. Although we are very good at what we do, the only thing that we can legally and ethically promise is that we will diligently act on your behalf in regards to working your account.

Christopher Lahage

Free Credit Review: Let's fix your credit today! (888)724-7344

Get started now by filling out our Free Credit Review application. Within 48 hours of completing the application we’ll be ready with your credit review, often within only a few hours.

No inquiry will occur by submitting your application nor will it affect your credit score. We service clients from all 50 states and all U.S. Military Installations Worldwide.

I am very excited to work with you and look forward to getting your application and completing your review.

– Chris Lahage Credit Repair Expert, over 30 years of experience

Still have questions or concerns? Give us a call at 888-724-7344 to speak with one of our agents!

No commitment is required.

No inquiry will occur.