Christopher LahageFounder & CEO

CEO & Founder
Areas of expertise

Speedy Credit Repair is a family operated company located in Southern California.

Born out of a need for credit repair when buying his first home, Chris Lahage, the company’s founder and CEO decided to take on the task of repairing his credit which was tarnished from youthful ignorance. Chris was not versed in this subject, but rather pioneered his way through it by making phone calls, writing letters, and even visiting the local offices of the credit reporting agencies and his creditors who he ultimately convinced to retract the negative items from his reports.

Chris was working for Toyota at that time as an entry level salesperson. It wasn’t long before Chris was finding ways to use this new “secret talent” to help people turned away for auto purchases, for credit issues similar to those he had also faced. It wasn’t long at all before Chris would become the “Go To” guy who could help pretty much anyone obtain a car loan once he spent a bit of time on their file.

After less than 5 years of enjoying top sales position countless months and learning the finance end of the business while doing so, Chris ultimately became the Finance Director of Toyota’s #3 most successful Toyota Franchise in the nation.

Chris was able to both maintain his function as a very successful Finance Director for over 20 years, while continuing to hone his skills servicing his private clientele within his personally held company Speedy Credit Repair Inc. Chris believes in giving a level of personal service to each client that the big companies just can’t compete with.

When demand for his services grew, Chris expanded the capabilities of Speedy Credit Repair while maintaining his strong ties with Toyota and the automotive industry.

When Chris is not working you can probably find him spending time with his wife and 3 boys by the pool, or practicing his culinary skills on friends and family.


  • 02 Apr
    How Long Can Negative Credit Info Remain On My Credit Report?

    There are time limits for how long negative credit can remain on the report. In reality, there is no “MUST”, and the creditor or the credit bureau can decide to have the negative credit items deleted whenever they please.

  • 02 Apr
    What Factors Make Up My Credit Score?

    FICO® and VantageScore® use proprietary algorithms to produce your credit scores. While there are multiple FICO® score models for each of the 3 bureaus (28 among the three), both FICO® and VantageScore® base your scores on the data currently listed on your credit report on any given day.

  • pexels-mikhail-nilov-7534771 02 Apr
    Why Is My Credit Score So Low?

    The obvious most common offender of a credit score is poor credit history. Not all bad credit is the result of purposeful neglect.

Fix Your Credit Today!

Speedy Credit Repair works on the “Pay As We Perform” platform. No setup fees or additional costs for credit review or consultation. You only pay as we perform!

“After my first month with Speedy Credit Repair my score went up over 120 points!! I was ecstatic! For the first time in over 13 years I had a score over 700!!”

Annette R.
Annette R., Existing Customer

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